Pass Along Your Values in Addition to the Turkey This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! My girls will be in town, and my parents Sam & Bess will once again be helping in the kitchen! (That's them in the drawing above.) I'll be hosting 16 guests this year. Wish me luck!
There are some very special people who will not be with us this Thanksgiving. It always reminds me that we can’t take for granted the times we spend together as a family.
Hopefully, you too will be able to spend time with your loved ones. While sharing a wonderful meal, it's also a great time to share your values. Here's some ideas and questions to ask to get the conversation started.
• Tell a family story, especially about someone who is not with us anymore.
• What was a big decision point in your life? How did your values guide your decision?
• Who made a difference in your life when you needed a helping hand?
• What tradition or values do you most want to continue in your family?
Another idea — take out your phone and create a video of everyone's responses. You may be surprised at what we can learn from each other. Years down the road you will cherish having the memories recorded. Who knows, maybe this will turn into an annual tradition!
All the best for a Happy Thanksgiving. From my family to yours.
Shari Greco Reiches
Shari Greco Reiches is Co-Founder, Principal and Chief Growth Officer of Rappaport Reiches Capital Management. She is the architect of the firm's Maximize Your Return on Life Solution, which aligns clients' financial planning with their Core Values. She is a frequent speaker on financial planning and values, author of Maximize Your Return on Life - Invest Your Time and Money in What You Value Most and enjoys mentoring women in the wealth management profession. Please connect with Shari below. She loves to talk about investing, financial planning, and Barry Manilow.