What Are Your 2023 Financial Goals?
The end of year is review time at our firm. We talk with each of our employees about their performance and ask them for their 2023 goals.
These discussions made me think about financial goals. I guess I always think about financial goals.
I thought it might be fun to ask my readers: What are your 2023 financial goals?
To get you started I have listed 23 good financial goals. If each of my readers picks three financial goals, that would be 1000s of positive financial changes.
Here is the list:
o Calculate your net worth annually
o Understand your health insurance coverage
o Insure your valuables and properties – values may have changed
o Review your life insurance – costs, policy lengths and amounts
o Review your debt and interest rates
o Know the rates you are being paid on cash
o Contribute to your 401(K). Increase contributions if you can
o Start a health savings plan
o Open a 529 for your child or grandchild
o Sign financial and health care powers of attorney
o Update your estate plan
o Title your assets in accordance with your estate plan
o Build an emergency fund
o Know your asset allocation and rebalance quarterly
o Check your credit score
o Review or get disability insurance
o Make your doctor appointments (always a good life goal, but financially too - an ounce of prevention...)
o Review all your subscriptions and cancel the ones you are not using
o Visualize your retirement
o Understand all of your employee benefits
o Clean your financial closet. You might be surprised what you find
o Have a financial plan
o Spend some time on financial literacy – read our weekly newsletter
I hope this list is helpful. If you have determined your financial goals and want to be accountable, please email me at sreiches@rrcapital.com with your financial goals and timeline. I will follow up with you to see if they are completed. You don’t need to be specific. Yes, it is that important to me that my readers have financial peace of mind.
I wish you all the best for 2023.
Shari Greco Reiches
Shari co-founded Rappaport Reiches Capital Management with one goal - to maximize the return on life for her clients. Please connect with Shari below. She loves to talk about investing, financial planning, and Barry Manilow.