Your Time. Your Money. Can You Answer These Three Questions?
When asked what I do, I reply simply, I help people maximize their return on life. It can be a great conversation starter, as I explain how I write, speak, advise and coach about spending two limited resources — time and money — on what matters most.
With that focus, it is not surprising that I have been drawn to the field of Behavioral Finance, which looks at the influence of psychology on investor behavior. How our emotions affect our financial decisions.
I take this very seriously and went back to school to learn more. I studied hard, with lots of late night coffee. I received a certificate in Applied Behavioral Finance. I loved being a student again!
Studying behavioral finance has led me to three thought provoking questions about time and money. Take some time, and dive in. Share your thoughts with loved ones, and listen to their responses as well. There are no right or wrong answers, only honest ones.
If you had enough money, so that it was no longer a worry, how would you spend your time? If you are still working, would you continue? If you are retired, how would your life change?
What if your doctor said you had 10 years to live, but these would be quality years. What is on your bucket list? What would you like to do, to accomplish?
When you look back at your life, do you have any regrets?
Were you surprised by your answers? Did a light bulb go on for you? I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to email me at I look forward to sharing more about my studies in the weeks and months ahead.
Shari Greco Reiches