Karen Asbra on Preparing for Increased Inflation Risk in Advisors Magazine
“Higher inflation could be with us for a long time,” Karen L. Asbra, CFP® tells Advisors Magazine. “Protecting client portfolios starts with fundamental planning.”
“Higher inflation could be with us for a long time,” Karen L. Asbra, CFP® tells Advisors Magazine. “Protecting client portfolios starts with fundamental planning.”
Forbes.com on Shari’s book: “Fast and accessible…, with reflective questions which the reader can use to make the key takeaways actionable.”
“While return on investment is important, something is missing,” Karen L. Asbra, CFP®, tells Advisors Magazine. “Focusing on Core Values can provide guidance to navigate through life.”
“We like to tell clients that they too can contribute to non-profit organizations just like a billionaire who has their own personal philanthropic fund,” said Karen L. Asbra, CFP®.
Shari Greco Reiches’ book named to parade.com’s list: 10 Best Personal Finance Books That Just Make ‘Cents’ to Read.
Shari Greco Reiches shares with HerMoney.com how “a vision board can be a terrific way to help keep you on track with your money.”