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The Value Added Indexer Blog

by David Rappaport

What Do Yield Curve Inversions Really Tell Us? Thumbnail

What Do Yield Curve Inversions Really Tell Us?

"There’s not much evidence inversions are cause for concern with investments. The stock market has posted substantial gains between inversion and recession in three out of four past cases — and is up double digits so far during the current inversion."

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3 Common Investing Mistakes Thumbnail

3 Common Investing Mistakes

Many people start out managing their own investments. But as their earnings and assets grow, their financial needs and challenges become more complex — and continuing to go it alone could prove costly in terms of investing miscues. Consider these three common mistakes that can reduce returns and increase anxiety.

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Why a Stock Peak Isn't a Cliff Thumbnail

Why a Stock Peak Isn't a Cliff

Many investors may think a market high is a signal stocks are overvalued. However, they may be surprised to find that the average returns one, three, and five years after a new month-end market high are similar to those after months that ended at any level.

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